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Hot Power Vinyasa

Power Vinyasa focuses on flowing to the beat of music. It’s a fast paced class at times leaving you breathless. This class is for all-levels. Between a carefully curated playlist and the supportive energy created throughout class, first timers will leave feeling like experienced yogis. Offered in 45 + 60 Minute sessions.

RIDE | 45

Ride-45 is our signature rhythm based cycling class. This is an experience unlike any other as we create connective energy through evolved movement and carefully curated playlists. Using speed, resistance, and choreography to create a full-body work out, you will leave class feeling strong and supported.

 Kettlebell Strength

Forty-five minute’s of strength training with kettlebells. You’ll learn movements to build strength, improve mobility, and increase stamina. Walking away from this class you will feel like an absolute bad-ass.

 Recovery Ride

A community builder and heart strengthener. Recovery rides is where we do our zone 2 training. This is our most laid back class however it has big rewards. Zone 2 cardio builds your aerobic and anaerobic capacity by training your body to more efficiently burn fat as fuel.